Privacy Policy

Last updated: August 28, 2024

This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You.

We use Your Personal data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

1. Introduction

At HerCycle, wellness coaches and menstrual health experts work together with engineers and technicians towards a common goal: to improve wellness among women.

At HerCycle, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal data. This Privacy Policy (” Privacy Policy “)explains how we collect, use, share, and protect your information when you use our app and related services. We strive to be transparent about our data practices and empower you to make informed decisions about your personal information.

2. Who is responsible for personal data processing?

It is Yoginify AB, registration number 559428-1213 (” Yoginify “), the parent company of the HerCycle App, which owns and provides the technical platform and application HerCycle (” The App “) and is the personal data controller for the processing of the personal data you register in the App.

HerCycle is responsible for the performance of the Services, including the processing of personal data that takes place in connection with your use of the Services.

If you have questions or comments about the processing of your personal data in connection with your use of the Services, you are always welcome to contact us or our data protection officer via our website at, or by emailing

3. Definitions

“Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. 

“Processing” means any operation performed on Personal Data, such as collection, storage, use, or disclosure. 

“Controller” refers to HerCycle, as we determine the purposes and means of processing your Personal Data. 

“User” or “you” refers to individuals who use the HerCycle app and services.

“The Services” means the App HerCycle (

“Applicable Law” refers to the legislation applicable to the processing of Personal Data, including the GDPR, supplementary national legislation, as well as practices, guidelines and recommendations issued by a national or EU supervisory authority.

4. From where do we collect the personal data that is processed about you when you use the Services?

4.1 Personal data registered via your user account in the App

Personal data registered via your user account in the App HerCycle processes the personal data about you that you register via your user account (such as name, date of birth, email address) when you create an account with us and subsequently when you use the App. In addition, we may automatically collect and process the following information: 

(I) technical information including IP address, login information, type and version of operating system and device, time settings, screen settings, language, cookies, etc. 

(II) information about the features you have used within HerCycle, time spent on various sections, which pages and functions you have accessed, etc. Such information may also be collected through cookies if you choose to accept them. You can read more about our use of cookies in our cookie policy. Personal data provided in connection with registering an account and using the App is referred to as “User Data”.

4.2 Health and Cycle Tracking Data When you use the Service

When you use HerCycle to track your menstrual cycle and health, you will be asked to share information related to your physical and/or mental health. You do this primarily by inputting data into the relevant sections of the App. This information may include, but is not limited to, menstrual cycle dates, symptoms, mood, physical activity, sleep patterns, and medication use.

HerCycle may also process this data to provide personalized insights, predictions, and recommendations based on the information you’ve shared. This health-related information is referred to as “Health and Cycle Tracking Data”.

All Health and Cycle Tracking Data is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is used solely for the purpose of providing and improving our services to you. We do not share this sensitive data with third parties unless explicitly authorized by you or required by law.

5. How and why we process your data

Data processing is essential to providing the services of HerCycle. Whenever you use our services, some personal and non-personal data is collected, stored, and analyzed using internal and third-party tools.

Below are the purposes for which we process your data, and the type of data that’s processed to fulfill each purpose:

5.1 To provide our core service to you

To provide our service, we process the following:

Health data: This is processed whenever you track your health data in the HerCycle app, either manually or through import integrations, in order to provide our core service as a menstrual health tracking app. This includes both your cycle information data and other sensitive data that you choose to track in the HerCycle app.

Device data, event data, usage data, IP address: This is processed when you use the HerCycle app or our website, to understand how you interact with our services and to technically improve performance.

Account data: This is processed when you set up your HerCycle account in the app or on the website, to enable you to sign in to the HerCycle app, and additionally to communicate with you on service-related topics. Such communications may include information about your account, essential app updates, or insights and recommendations based on health data you have tracked. These communications can be sent to you via in-app messages, reminders, notifications, or emails.

Please read the following sections to understand which third-party services, integrations, and partnerships we use to provide our core service.

5.2 Essential third-party providers:

We use several third-party providers to help us perform our core services.

Google Cloud Platform: HerCycle uses Google Cloud Platform as our hosting provider to store our data on secure servers. We only use Google Cloud data centers in the European Union. All data stored with Google Cloud is encrypted by HerCycle.

Firebase: HerCycle uses a suite of performance analysis and monitoring tools called Firebase, which is provided by Google Inc. Firebase allows us to monitor the overall performance and stability of our app, implement internal version control, identify bugs, and prioritize fixes. For this purpose, Firebase collects your IP address, device identifier, as well as event and usage data related to your use of HerCycle. This data will be transferred to and stored on servers operated by Google, LLC.

It is not possible to opt-out of Firebase as it is an essential tool that we require in order to provide a functioning HerCycle app to you.

5.3 Social logins:

When creating your HerCycle account, you have several options for signing up. In addition to using your email address, you can use services provided by Apple or Google.

Sign in with Apple: HerCycle uses “Sign in with Apple” to allow users to create and sign in to their HerCycle account using their Apple credentials.

If you sign up to HerCycle using Apple, HerCycle will exchange certain data with Apple, such as device data, IP address, and information you provided to Apple when creating your Apple account. This may include a transfer of your personal data to Apple servers located outside the European Union. You have control over the extent to which you use the “Sign in with Apple” service and what information you provide to Apple. It’s important to note that absolutely no health data will be exchanged with Apple for the purpose of using the “Sign in with Apple” service.

Sign in with Google: HerCycle uses “Sign in with Google” to allow users to create and sign in to their HerCycle account using their Google credentials. If you use this service, you authorize us to collect basic information from Google, such as your email address. You can manage this information at any time in your Google account. Please refer to Google’s resources for more details on this.

If you sign up to HerCycle using Google, HerCycle will exchange with Google the types of data you provided to Google when creating an account with them (such as name and email address). This may include a transfer of your personal data to Google servers located outside the European Union. You have control over the extent to which you use the “Sign in with Google” service and what information you provide to Google. It’s crucial to understand that absolutely no health data will be exchanged with Google.

For both Apple and Google sign-in options, it’s your choice whether to use these services and to what extent. HerCycle is committed to protecting your privacy and will never exchange any health data with these third-party services for authentication purposes.

5.4 To provide customer service

To assist HerCycle users who contact our Support Team with questions about our services, we may communicate via email to provide customer service. This service is available to all HerCycle users, including those with free accounts and premium subscriptions.

If you use this service, HerCycle will need to access and process your personal data, including your health data depending on the nature of your query. We do this to adequately address your support request and provide you with the best possible assistance.

Legal basis: The legal basis for processing your account data and usage data for customer service is Art 6 Sec. 1 lit b) GDPR, and Art 9 Sec.2 lit a) GDPR for your health data.

When you contact the HerCycle Support Team, you explicitly provide your consent for the processing of your personal data, including your health data, so that your query can be answered.

All personal data collected for our customer service is deleted by us as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected, in accordance with our data retention policies.

5.5 To improve HerCycle features with health analytics

To help us build more valuable features in HerCycle, we process health data you’ve tracked in the app to better understand which features are most useful to you. By processing data such as period dates and cycle experiences, we can better understand how our community uses the app and further tailor the experience to fit their needs.

By analyzing how our community uses the app, we can understand which features are most valuable. We use these insights to drive feature development, so we can make sure to deliver what’s most important. This could include things like improving the accuracy of predictions, building new algorithms to offer you more health insights, or creating content about topics we see our community wants to know about more.

The processing of health data for analytics purposes is managed internally by HerCycle. We store your data on servers in the EU and it’s always de-identified, removing personal identifiers like your name and email address. These procedures ensure your privacy.

Third party providers: We do not use any third party providers for this purpose.

Legal basis: The processing of your health data for health analytics is based on the following consent according to Art 9 Sec.2 lit a) GDPR, if you have toggled this on in your privacy settings:

I agree with the health data I track in the app being processed for analytics purposes so HerCycle can improve my predictions, develop new algorithms and create more valuable features with personalized insights.

5.6 To technically improve the HerCycle app

To help us improve the HerCycle app experience, we process and analyze certain data so we can improve the app and make features easier to use. This includes usage data like your device ID and IP address.

By improving the app and its technical platform, we can deliver a better experience for you and the wider HerCycle community. It allows us to tailor the app to different types of devices, and most importantly, strive to make the app experience the best it can be.

Third party providers: We do not use any third party providers for this purpose.

Legal basis: We process your usage data on the legal basis of Art 6 Sec.1 lit f) GDPR to technically improve the HerCycle app based on HerCycle’s legitimate interest as a company to continuously improve the app and deliver an improved service to you. We do not believe there is anything you could have against this. However you can always opt out of this data processing at any time in your HerCycle app’s privacy settings by toggling off:

As outlined in HerCycle’s Privacy Policy and based on HerCycle’s legitimate interest as a company to continuously improve the app, certain usage and technical data is processed. I have the right to opt out of this at any time.

All personal data collected to technically improve the HerCycle app is deleted by us as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected.

5.7 To allow personalized recommendations from HerCycle

To make personalized recommendations, we process certain usage data to understand how you interact with the HerCycle app, as well as the health data you’ve tracked to deliver you more personalized insights. This includes data such as your period dates and cycle experiences. We also collect your account data so we can then send you these recommendations via in-app messages, emails, and push notifications (if you’ve enabled permissions on your device).

By personalizing your experience, we can provide information that’s more tailored to you and your needs. This might look like recommending HerCycle wellness classes and advice based on what you’ve tracked, or suggesting relevant health information that may be useful to you. For example, if you’re tracking symptoms related to a particular phase of your cycle, we might provide educational content about managing those symptoms.

We strive to be mindful about what we communicate and how often, as providing you with the most comfortable and valuable experience possible is our main priority.

Third party providers: We use certain third party software providers to help us send these updates, such as Firebase (see Section 3.1.1). These providers are not permitted to use the data for any other purpose other than to help HerCycle personalize your experience. Whenever data is transferred outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), we always apply the appropriate safeguards as outlined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (see Section 4).

Be assured that the sensitive health data you track in the HerCycle app is never shared with or sold to advertisers, or any third parties.

Legal basis: The processing of your account data and usage data for recommendations from HerCycle is based on the following consent according to Art 6 Sec.1 lit a) GDPR, and the processing of health data for recommendations from HerCycle is based on the following consent according to Art 9 Sec.2 lit a) GDPR, if you have toggled this on in your privacy settings:

I agree to my account data, usage data and health data I track in the HerCycle app being processed so HerCycle can send me personal recommendations and relevant health information based on my tracked experiences. Certain third-party providers, including some located outside of the European Union, are used to help with this.

You can toggle this off at any time. All personal data collected for providing personal recommendations is deleted by us as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected.

5.8 To optimize advertising with activity tracking (iOS users only)

To help us optimize our advertising and to spread the word about HerCycle, we enable activity tracking on iOS devices when permissions are turned on. Activity tracking means that limited technical data (like your device ID) and usage data (for example installing HerCycle or subscribing to HerCycle Premium) is shared with advertisers so you don’t see HerCycle ads that aren’t relevant to you. You can turn off activity tracking at any time in your iOS Settings.

Activity tracking is strictly limited to technical and usage data. Your health data is never shared with advertisers and always protected.

Legal basis: The processing of your usage data for activity tracking is based on the following consent according to Art 6 Sec.1 lit a) GDPR, if you selected “Allow” when presented the following prompt from Apple:

Allow “HerCycle” to track your activity across other companies’ apps and websites?

All personal data collected for activity tracking is deleted by us as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected.

5.9 To improve with website analytic

To improve our website, we process usage data such as your IP address and device data. This helps us track the performance of our website, understand how you use our website, and offer you an improved experience. For this purpose, we use cookies and third-party tracking services. Cookies are small text files that are intended to make the site better for you to use.

In general, cookies are used to retain preferences, store information, provide tracking data to third-party applications like Google Analytics, or identify your device for analytics purposes.

Legal basis: The processing of your usage data for website analytics is based on the following consent according to Art 6 Sec.1 lit a) GDPR:

By using our website, you consent through an opt-in in the cookie banner that HerCycle may use cookies and third-party services, and collect your usage data under a unique identifier for the purposes of tracking, analysis, and improvement of our website, as well as showing you relevant HerCycle content.

The usage of non-essential cookies on our website is based on consent according to applicable data protection laws. When visiting our website, you can decline the use of non-essential cookies in the pop-up notification. If you consent to the non-essential cookies, you may withdraw your consent at any time in your browser’s cookie settings.

All personal data collected for website analytics is deleted by us as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected.

5.10 To deliver HerCycle newsletters

To provide newsletter and email services, we process certain contact data of those people who have opted in so we can send such communications.

If you’ve registered for a newsletter service of HerCycle, without being a HerCycle app user with an account, we will process your information provided in the registration on This may include your name and email address, which is needed to send you the newsletters you’ve subscribed to.

If you’re a HerCycle app user with an account, HerCycle will process the email address you provided with your account registration to send you the newsletters you’ve subscribed to, as well as occasional emails with promotional content. The content of these communications will be for similar HerCycle services to what you use, or may include educational content related to menstrual and reproductive health.

If you’ve requested Cycle Review emails as part of your HerCycle Premium subscription, then that email will also contain a summary of personal health data that you have tracked in the app.

Third parties: HerCycle may share information such as your email address to third-party providers for the sole purpose of carrying out our newsletter services. Our current provider for this service is Firebase. For more information about Firebase, see Section 3.1.1.

Whenever data is transferred outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), we always apply the appropriate safeguards as outlined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (see Section 4).

Legal basis: The legal basis for sending you our newsletter is based on your consent according to Art 6 Sec.1 lit a) GDPR. The legal basis for promotional emails is based on Art 6 Sec.1 lit a) and lit f) GDPR. The legal basis for Cycle Review emails is based on your consent according to Art 9 Sec.2 lit a) GDPR.

You can unsubscribe from our newsletters, promotional emails, and Cycle Review emails at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the emails.

All personal data collected for providing our newsletter services is deleted by us as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected.

6. Your data protection rights

We believe that privacy—including data privacy—is a basic human right. At HerCycle, we strive to ensure that your rights are respected.

Here are some key facts about your privacy that we would like you to know:

i. Our products and services have been designed to collect only the data necessary to provide our services. We only collect and process your data for the purposes outlined above and detailed in this Privacy Policy.

ii. The security of our servers is routinely verified by experts to protect your data from unauthorized access. You can contact us at if you have any questions about the security of our services.

iii. We do not retain your data in an identifiable format for longer than necessary to deliver our services.

iv. HerCycle does not engage in any automated decision-making or profiling activities.

As a user of the HerCycle app and website, you may exercise your rights under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to:

i. Request information on your personal data processed by HerCycle. Upon your request, this information will be provided to you electronically. You can contact us to request your information at

ii. Gain access to your information by requesting a copy of your data in a format that is readable by other companies or organizations (data portability).

iii. Correct your personal information and health data in the app settings and in the tracking categories available in the HerCycle app.

iv. Withdraw your consent from ongoing data processing at any time by deleting your account (for details see the Support section of the HerCycle app, under “Profile”), changing your privacy preferences in Settings, and/or unsubscribing from our newsletter or other email communications by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

v. Request the complete deletion of your data, including all past data sent to third-party services used for tracking and analysis, by reaching out to Your data will be deleted within 1 month.

vi. Lodge a complaint with the relevant supervising authority if you believe HerCycle is processing your personal data in violation of applicable data protection regulations.

7. Data security procedures

Protecting your data privacy is the most important thing to us. We apply security measures to protect against misuse, loss, and/or alteration of personal information under our control. We follow industry standards when transferring and storing your data. Though we cannot ensure or guarantee that misuse, loss or alteration of information will never occur, we use all reasonable efforts to prevent it.

8. How HerCycle secures your personal data

When you create an account with HerCycle, your personal profile data is stored separately from your health data and your service settings. This separation ensures that your health data has an even higher level of protection. HerCycle uses servers located in the European Union to process and store your personal data.

9. How long do we store your personal data?

We only handle your personal data as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which the data in question is processed according to section 5 above, i.e. as long as it is necessary to be able to deliver the Services or to fulfill the legal obligations that is incumbent upon us.

We otherwise have routines for how we store or anonymize personal data in order to continuously ensure that your personal data is adequate and relevant at all times for our continued provision of the Services.

Your User Data is deleted or anonymized no later than three (3) months after you have closed your user account with us, if the personal data is not necessary to save for us to fulfill our obligations according to legal requirements or the data is otherwise needed to protect legal claims. All information that is not needed for the execution and development of the Services or for quality assurance purposes, is anonymized after the purpose of the information has been fulfilled, or deleted automatically.

10. Your rights as registered in the App and user of the Services

You have the right to receive information about which of your personal data we process, for what purpose they are processed, if such personal data is transferred to third countries and which third parties have received your personal data. To clarify, you can contact us at any time to

(I) request access to and receive information about what personal data is processed in connection with your use of the App and/or the Services, including your record, who has accessed your record and why;

(II) ask us to correct any inaccurate information about you;

(III) request that your personal data be deleted at your request, however, all personal data that we do not have a legal obligation to store or otherwise need to fulfill legal claims will be deleted;

(IV) withdraw consent you have given to HerCycle, for example in relation to direct marketing or processing of your data within your Health Profile;

(V) object to the processing of personal data;

(VI) request to move personal data to another personal data controller by obtaining your personal data, to the extent that it was provided by you, in an electronic format that is generally used to be able to transfer it to another party (the right to data portability);

If you wish to get in touch with us regarding any of these points, it is fine to contact us via our website or by sending an email to

11. How do we protect your personal data?

You should always be able to feel safe when you entrust us with your personal data. We have therefore taken appropriate security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, modification and deletion. If there are security incidents that could affect you or your personal data in a more significant way, e.g. when there is a risk of fraud or identity theft, we will contact you to inform you of what has happened, what steps we have taken and what you can do to reduce the risk.

12. What about cookies?

We use cookies, read more in our Cookie policy.

13. Right to complain to the supervisory authority

We hope that in this Privacy Policy we have clarified how we handle your personal data, but if anything is unclear, we gratefully receive your views and answer your questions so that we can improve our communication about this.

We would also like to inform you here that you have the right to file a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority or other relevant supervisory authority in the event that you believe that the processing of personal data is incorrect and does not meet legal requirements. 

We are regulated by the Swedish Privacy Protection Authority (IMY). If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our processing of personal data, you can complain directly to IMY. You can find IMY’s contact information on its website,

14. How to get in touch with us?

If you have questions or comments, or if you want to exercise any of your rights described above, you are always welcome to contact us or our data protection officer via the contact details listed on our contact page at or by email You can also use the contact details below.

Yoginify AB
Org no: 559428-1213


703 42 Örebro


15. Changes

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make material changes, we will always notify you in advance and give you a chance to review. If you do not agree to the changes, you may not continue to use our services.

Last updated 28 August 2024.